Thursday 24 October 2013

How to define the Tool Length for Mazak Variaxis

Tool Length measurement.

After we put the new tool into magazine, the important thing we need to do is to declare the Tool Length. Incorrect tool length measurement will cause incorrect cutting process. The worst case the tool can hit the vise or workpiece.

Two types of Tool Length measurement, one is fully automatic and semi-automatic. The tool can be use fully automatic is drilling cutter, spot drill, counter bore cutter and counter sunk cutter. The tool need to use semi-automatic is face mill cutter and end mill.

Step 1: Press the TOOL DATA and choose which tool we want to measure.

Step 2 : Press EDIT


Note : The Length we set to ‘0’. Later on the value will overwrite.

Step 4 : Press MSR UNIT OUT. 

Step 5 : Measure Unit will out from dock

Step 6 : Move the End Mill cutter to Measure Unit. Left the Gap around 10~15mm.

Step 7 : Press T MSR SEMIAUTO

Step 8 : Measuring process will happen

Step 9 : After measuring done, the Length value will appear at column LENGTH.

The differences between semi auto and fully auto, the fully automatic, we didn’t to perform Step 5 and Step 6. We just press T MEASURE AUTO and measurement will done automatically.

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