Tuesday 22 October 2013

Mazak Variaxis

Model : MAZAK VARIAXIS 630-5X 

Figure 1 : Mazak Variaxis 630-5X

Figure 2: Control Panel

Figure 3: Axis for Table and Head movement

1 : Reset Button

2 : Letter

3 : Number

4 : Single Block and Coolant Stop

5 : Coolant and Machine

7 : Rapid travel , Spindle speed and feed. We can choose to increase and decrease the speed.

8 : Rapid (faster movement) and manual (to use the handwheel)

9 : MDI (Manual Data Input)

10 : Selection arrow

11 : Cycle start (to start operation)

12 : X+ , X- , Y+ , Y- . (must select RAPID to use this button)

13 : Z+ and Z- . (must select RAPID to use this button)

14. Tool clamp and tool unclamp (beware to use this button, the Tool can drop if we didn’t hold the Tool before select unclamp tool)

15 : Emergency Stop button

16 : Hand Wheel (must select jog button first)

17 : Choose the axis we would like to travel, applicable when we use the Hand Wheel

18 : A+ , A- , C+ , C- . (must select RAPID to use this button)

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