Thursday 24 October 2013

How to define the Tool Length for Mazak Variaxis

Tool Length measurement.

After we put the new tool into magazine, the important thing we need to do is to declare the Tool Length. Incorrect tool length measurement will cause incorrect cutting process. The worst case the tool can hit the vise or workpiece.

Two types of Tool Length measurement, one is fully automatic and semi-automatic. The tool can be use fully automatic is drilling cutter, spot drill, counter bore cutter and counter sunk cutter. The tool need to use semi-automatic is face mill cutter and end mill.

Step 1: Press the TOOL DATA and choose which tool we want to measure.

Step 2 : Press EDIT


Note : The Length we set to ‘0’. Later on the value will overwrite.

Step 4 : Press MSR UNIT OUT. 

Step 5 : Measure Unit will out from dock

Step 6 : Move the End Mill cutter to Measure Unit. Left the Gap around 10~15mm.

Step 7 : Press T MSR SEMIAUTO

Step 8 : Measuring process will happen

Step 9 : After measuring done, the Length value will appear at column LENGTH.

The differences between semi auto and fully auto, the fully automatic, we didn’t to perform Step 5 and Step 6. We just press T MEASURE AUTO and measurement will done automatically.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Tool Change for Mazak Variaxis

Step 1: Press MDI (Manual Data Input). 

Step 2: Press tool change

Step 3: Press number of tool you would like to call and then press input. For this one I call tool no 7.

Note: We can refer the Tool Table to see which tool inside the megazine

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Mazak Variaxis

Model : MAZAK VARIAXIS 630-5X 

Figure 1 : Mazak Variaxis 630-5X

Figure 2: Control Panel

Figure 3: Axis for Table and Head movement

1 : Reset Button

2 : Letter

3 : Number

4 : Single Block and Coolant Stop

5 : Coolant and Machine

7 : Rapid travel , Spindle speed and feed. We can choose to increase and decrease the speed.

8 : Rapid (faster movement) and manual (to use the handwheel)

9 : MDI (Manual Data Input)

10 : Selection arrow

11 : Cycle start (to start operation)

12 : X+ , X- , Y+ , Y- . (must select RAPID to use this button)

13 : Z+ and Z- . (must select RAPID to use this button)

14. Tool clamp and tool unclamp (beware to use this button, the Tool can drop if we didn’t hold the Tool before select unclamp tool)

15 : Emergency Stop button

16 : Hand Wheel (must select jog button first)

17 : Choose the axis we would like to travel, applicable when we use the Hand Wheel

18 : A+ , A- , C+ , C- . (must select RAPID to use this button)

Sunday 6 October 2013

Tutorial draw the solid design using CATIA V5R19

CATIA, one of the software we can use to draw the solid design (3d drawing). The CATIA version I use is CATIA V5R19, if I not mistaken the latest version of CATIA V5 is CATIA V5R21. But it's ok the most most important think we need to know about the concept.

Today, I choose the simple drawing as a tutorial (see Figure 1). Let begin step by step.

Figure 1 : 2d Drawing

Step 1 : Click start button

Step 2:  Click Mechanical Design then Part design

Step 3 : Choose the desire Plane we like to draw. For this example I choose xy plane.

Step 4 : Start draw using line and circle.
Step 5 : To put the dimension, double click the line with desire the key in the dimension in column Parametes.
Step 6 :  Once finish, click exit Workbench

Step 7 :  To make it as a 3d drawing, click Pad, then fill in the desire length and click OK.

Step 8 : Finish

Saturday 5 October 2013

Component of Milling Machine

Let us know about the main component of Milling Machine.

Figure 1 : Component of Milling Machine 

a) Motor
To rotate the Spindle

b) Head
Shaft inside to joint the Belt from motor for Spindle rotation

c) Teach pendant
Digital reading for x,y and z axis movement

d) Chuck
To hold the cutter

e) Vise
To hole the workpiece

f) Column
Structure to support the body

g) Worktable
For workpiece movement for x,y and z axis

h) Base
Structure to support whole body

i) Handle X-Axis
X-Axis movement (left or right)

j) Handle Y-Axis
Y-Axis movement (front or back)

k) Handle Z-Axis
Z-Axis movement (Up or Down)

Friday 4 October 2013


One of the important component in Milling Machine are the Milling Cutter. There a few types of Milling Cutter. To get the desire shape, the machinist must choose the correct cutting tool. The common cutting tool in market as below:-

a) Face Mill Cutter

For roughing and finishing cutting in one pass. The material removed layer by layer. The function of insert at Face Mill cutter to remove the material. Usually, in one face mill cutter we have 4pcs to 8pcs insert. If the insert wear or damage just replace it.

Figure 1: Face Mill Cutter

b) End Mill Cutter

Can perform various types of shape, for example pocket, island, side mill, also finishing or roughing. 

Figure 2: End Mill Cutter

c) Centre Drill Cutter

Before we perform the drilling, we need to use the Centre Drill first as a guidance. The depth of cut for Centre Drill usually 2 to 3mm only.

Figure 3 : Centre Drill Cutter

d) Drilling Cutter

The drilling process to make a hole.

Figure 4 : Drilling Cutter

e) T-Slot Cutter

Make it the slot shape.
Figure 5 : T-Slot Cutter

f) Ball Nose Cutter

This cutter almost same with End Mill Cutter but end of cutter have a radius. The process can be done by this cutter for example chamfer and fillet.

Figure 6 : Ball Nose Cutter

g) Counter Bore Cutter

To make a counter bore screw shape.

Figure 7 : Counter Bore Cutter

h) Counter Sunk Cutter

To make a counter sunk screw shape.

Figure 8 : Counter Sunk Cutter

Thursday 3 October 2013


Milling Machine

Milling is a process in which a machine tool removes material from a work piece by rotating a cutter and moving it into the material along various axes with respect to the work piece. It is practically a very versatile process in conventional machining because of its capability to do various types of work using appropriate cutting tools. 

Types of Milling Machine:-

Milling machines has a rotating spindle for the cutter to be placed in and a table for fastening, positional and feeding the workpiece. Basically, the types of machines found are classified into horizontal or vertical.

Horizontal milling machines has a horizontal spindle, and these type of machines are well-suited for peripheral milling process. While, the vertical milling machines are more suited for face and end milling because of its vertical spindle.

                                                  Figure 1: Horizontal Milling Machine

                                     Figure 2: Vertical Milling Machine

There are also more complicated types of machines which are the knee-and-column, bed type, planer type, tracer mills and the CNC milling machines.

                                                  Figure 3: CNC Milling Machine